Lilly's Lightbox Company was set up in early 2011 by artist and designer Felicia Strehmel. Born and raised in Berlin, Felicia moved to London in 2000 to pursue her career and while she is happily settled in this inspiring city, she remains a Berliner at heart. It is this (n)ostalgia and challenge of conventional ways of viewing objects which act as a recurring and often humorous themes throughout her work.
A passionate amateur photographer, her work amalgamates old crafts such as decoupage and furniture restoration with modern image manipulation. The results are lightboxes with a vintage charm which create a
subtle and atmospheric light that adds three dimensional depth to the images.
All Lightboxes are made from period chests of drawers and handmade acrylic photo slides featuring images and thoughts that appear to float in glass, giving them a depth and colour saturation that draws its viewer in.
While some drawers are restored to their original beauty, others are left with historic marks or changed entirely to give them a new lease of life. Large light boxes are made from the cross-section of an entire chest of drawers and can be up to 120cm x 120cm in size.
Vintage fabric cable further complements the overall appearance of each Lightbox and a note featured in fitting antique brass frames tells a story of its journey.
Each Lightbox is an illuminated poetic composition, at times reminiscent of periods past, at times playful and dreamy.
Lights & Installation
All traditional electrical fittings are produced by small British companies and are fitted, tested and CE certified to be used with energy efficient CFL light bulbs up to 20W. The image slides are installed in such a way that they can be easily slid up and down to exchange the bulb. Brass mirror plates are fitted to the back of each light-box so that they can be hung safely.